Thursday, September 22, 2016

Adam and Eve🍎

Oh no! Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden tree of the Garden of Eden, now who is it to blame? I believe it's clearly the serpent's fault. When Eve came across the serpent, he had decived her of thinking it is right to disobey God, and eat from the tree. Eve, being simple minded, was oblivious of the severe consequences that may follow especially after the serpent said to her "you would not die."(from eating a apple). The Serpent had tempted Eve, also mentioning that they would become just like God, having knowledge and wisdom they couldn't even dream of having.  Also the tree had looked like any other tree in the garden, Adam and Eve thought there should'nt be a problem. After all, "their eyes were not open", unaware of the Good and the Bad. When God first created Light, Darkness, and all other natural wonders. It was his intention when creating man (Adam), that he was a simple being, doing none other than following the rules of the lord. God even said himself "it is not good for the man to be alone". Of course Adam would listen to Eve, and eat the apple because he had no prior life experience of what would come if you do wrong. To top it off, God knew that man and women were clueless of life. However it is still the fault of the Serpent who persuaded the simple people to eat from the "magical" tree, unfortunately leading them to be kicked out.

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